You save money with a low interest rate and no annual fee.
As a United Food and Commercial Workers member, you are eligible for an exclusive offer for the UFCW Plus Master Card with NO ANNUAL FEE and a LOW INTEREST RATE on purchases. This exclusive offer was negotiated using the strength of the 13 million members of the AFL-CIO.
This is the only credit card good enough to earn the endorsement of the AFL-CIO and the United Food and Commercial Workers.
Get Union-Only Privileges
Skip Payment Privilege. You can skip two monthly payments each year — especially helpful around the holidays and when it’s back-to-school time.
Strike Skip Payment. You can skip monthly payments for up to three months if you’re out of work for 30 days or more due to a union-sanctioned strike or lockout.
Enjoy Value-Added Benefits
No Annual Fee. United Food and Commercial Workers members carry this card at no charge.
Interest Rate Plans to Meet Your Needs. With our Grace/No Grace option, you choose the interest rate that works for you. if you tend to pay off your balance in full each month, the Grace option may work best for you. If you usually carry a balance from month to month, the No Grace option may be for you.
24-Hour Personal Service. Talk with a real person any and every time you need assistance.
Convenient Revolving Credit. You can pay off your balance or make low monthly payments. It’s your choice.
$250,000 Travel Accident Insurance Coverage. FREE to you and your family members when you use your UFCW Plus Master Card to charge tickets on any common carrier.
Fraud Protection. If your account shows any unusual activity, we’ll contact you immediately to protect against possible fraud.
Loss Protection. Eliminates the $50 some banks may hold you responsible for if your card is lost or stolen and used illegally. Additional Cards at No Additional Cost for up to eight family members you choose.
Cash Convenience. Use your UFCW Plus Master Card to get cash at up to 368,000 ATMs and 360,000 financial institutions worldwide.
Convenience Checks at No Extra Charge. You’ll get personalized checks that you can use to pay off high-rate balances and get the same low rate as for purchases.
To apply by phone, or for more information, call