Survey for Stop & Shop Supermarket Co. - Members 2022 ContractTO ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKET COMPANY, MEMBERS OF UFCW UNION, LOCAL 919The current Agreement between UFCW Local 919 and The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company expires on February 26, 2022. We believe it of the utmost importance that our proposals for a new contract reflect the true desires of our members.Bearing this in mind, we have developed what we feel is a comprehensive survey covering all phases of your employment including wages, benefits, premium pay, and working conditions. This is an anonymous survey – there is no need to identify yourself. All responses to this survey will be combined to help us understand the overall opinions of the membership.Responses to this survey are especially important because they will afford us with the opportunity to present a full and comprehensive analysis of what our membership believes should be contained in the proposals submitted to Stop & Shop management.Please complete this survey and return it no later than November 27, 2021. All that is needed is a few minutes of your time.In closing, we once again wish to emphasize the importance of this survey as we prepare for negotiations on your behalf. Your support and that of all members is extremely important if we are to ultimately conclude a satisfactory contract.Sincerely and fraternally yours,UNITED FOOD AND COMMERCIAL WORKERS UNION, LOCAL 919Survey for Stop & Shop Supermarket Co. - Members 2022 ContractDURATION OF CONTRACT: The contract should be for (check one) DURATION OF CONTRACT: The contract should be for (check one)1 year2 years3 years4 years5 yearsClear selectionWAGES What increase each year do you believe would be a fair and reasonable amount to ask of your employer? (check one) WAGES What increase each year do you believe would be a fair and reasonable amount to ask of your employer? (check one)$0.30 / hour$0.50 / hour$0.75 / hourOther:Clear selectionHOURS OF WORK. How many hours do you believe should constitute a “full-time and a part-time work week”? ___________ hours HOURS OF WORK. How many hours do you believe should constitute a “full-time and a part-time work week”? ___________ hoursClear selectionPREMIUMS What premium rates do you feel should be negotiated for the following? (label your answer with the appropriate number)Night workSunday workHoliday work PREMIUMS What premium rates do you feel should be negotiated for the following? (label your answer with the appropriate number)Night workSunday workHoliday workClear selectionHOLIDAYS Do you recommend changes to the list of holidays of your present contract? If yes, please share any recommended changes below. HOLIDAYS Do you recommend changes to the list of holidays of your present contract? If yes, please share any recommended changes below.YesNoClear selectionVACATIONS Do you recommend changes to the vacation provision of your present contract? If yes, please share any recommended changes below. VACATIONS Do you recommend changes to the vacation provision of your present contract? If yes, please share any recommended changes below.YesNoOther:Clear selectionSICK LEAVE Do you recommend changes to the sick leave provision of your present contract? If yes, please share any recommended changes below. SICK LEAVE Do you recommend changes to the sick leave provision of your present contract? If yes, please share any recommended changes below.YesNoOther:Clear selectionFull Time and FT Equivalent Part-time "Over 30 hour" EmployeesHEALTH & WELFARE How would you rate the benefits coverage you currently receive under the Health & Welfare program. (check one response for each) HEALTH & WELFARE How would you rate the benefits coverage you currently receive under the Health & Welfare program. (check one response for each)ExcellentGoodPoorNever UsedMedicalDental CarePaid PrescriptionDisabilityVisionLife InsuranceClear selectionPart TimeHEALTH & WELFARE How would you rate the benefits coverage you currently receive under the Health & Welfare program. (check one response for each) HEALTH & WELFARE How would you rate the benefits coverage you currently receive under the Health & Welfare program. (check one response for each)ExcellentGoodPoorNever UsedDental CareDisabilityVisionLife InsuranceClear selectionHEALTH & WELFARE Are there any other medical benefits not now in effect that you feel should be added to your Health & Welfare program? If yes, please share these additional benefits in the space below. HEALTH & WELFARE Are there any other medical benefits not now in effect that you feel should be added to your Health & Welfare program? If yes, please share these additional benefits in the space below.Clear selectionPENSION Please indicate your opinion of the Pension Program (check one) PENSION Please indicate your opinion of the Pension Program (check one)ExcellentGoodNever usedClear selectionOTHER CONTRACT CONDITIONS Please indicate whether or not you desire any changes or additions to the existing contract language on the following: (check one response for each) OTHER CONTRACT CONDITIONS Please indicate whether or not you desire any changes or additions to the existing contract language on the following: (check one response for each)YesNoDischarge for Good CauseLeave of AbsenceScheduling & AvailabilityBreaks/Lunch BreaksClear selectionIf you have any recommended changes or additions to the existing contract language of your present contract for the above items or any others, please share below. If you have any recommended changes or additions to the existing contract language of your present contract for the above items or any others, please share below.Clear selectionDEPARTMENT AND JOB SPECIFIC ISSUES Describe any departmental or job specific concerns or issues you wish to have addressed in the contract: DEPARTMENT AND JOB SPECIFIC ISSUES Describe any departmental or job specific concerns or issues you wish to have addressed in the contract:Clear selectionCONTRACT PRIORITES: Please rank the following from 1 to 5 in order of which are the most important to you (1 = least important, 5 = top priority) and what you think your negotiation team’s bargaining priorities should be. CONTRACT PRIORITES: Please rank the following from 1 to 5 in order of which are the most important to you (1 = least important, 5 = top priority) and what you think your negotiation team’s bargaining priorities should be. 12345WagesImprove your Health InsuranceMaintaining your Pension PlanImproving Leave of Absence LanguageIncrease Shift DifferentialImprove Vacation AccrualImprove Sick Time AccrualImprove Overtime PolicyImprove Staffing LevelsImprove Career Advancement OpportunityImprove Scheduling PracticesJob SecurityHealth and SafetyWorkloadClear selectionYour detailsThe following information will help us to better understand the profile of the membership. Remember, there is no need to identify yourselfAre you full or part time? Are you full or part time?Full timePart timeClear selectionAGE: AGE:Clear selectionNUMBER OF DEPENDENTS (INCLUDING YOURSELF): NUMBER OF DEPENDENTS (INCLUDING YOURSELF):Clear selectionYEARS WORKED FOR YOUR PRESENT COMPANY: YEARS WORKED FOR YOUR PRESENT COMPANY:Clear selectionNUMBER OF YEARS WORKED IN THIS INDUSTRY: NUMBER OF YEARS WORKED IN THIS INDUSTRY:Clear selectionHOURS WORKED PER WEEK: HOURS WORKED PER WEEK:Clear selectionNIGHTS WORKED PER WEEK: NIGHTS WORKED PER WEEK:Clear selectionHOLIDAYS WORKED PER YEAR: HOLIDAYS WORKED PER YEAR:Clear selectionAVERAGE WEEKLY GROSS INCOME (BEFORE TAXES): AVERAGE WEEKLY GROSS INCOME (BEFORE TAXES):Clear selectionFeel free to use the space below to share any additional suggestions or comments you have regarding items not covered in this survey. Feel free to use the space below to share any additional suggestions or comments you have regarding items not covered in this survey.Clear selection