A Shop Stewards’s General Responsibility
A good Shop Steward always fully understands the significance of his or her position and the serious responsibilities that go with it. You can make a big difference in the attitude of your fellow workers towards their jobs, the local Union, the International Union and the entire Trade Union Movement.
As a Shop Steward, your responsibilities and duties are numerous. Your most important role while representing the Local is to serve your fellow workers as sincerely and as diligently as possible.
In addition to the progress already made by our Local for closer relationship with our members, The Shop Steward still is the key when a Union member is formulating his attitudes towards our Union.
If, in the eyes of a member, the Shop Steward is intelligent, aggressive, fair minded and well-informed; so is the Union he or she represents.
For these reasons and more, you should be open-minded, reliable, honest, dignified, tactful, and always think before you speak.
Keep yourself and your members informed on Union policies and activities by reading the UFCW’s Action magazine as well as other Union publications.
You should always attend and encourage members to attend Union meetings to keep up with Union affairs.