TAKE THE FIRST STEP TODAY! Contact the Organizing Deptment at 800-842-2215.
If you are currently employed in a non-union workplace and would like to find out how to gain an effective voice into things such as your wages, benefits and working conditions…you have come to the right place!
Below you will find a brief outline of an organizing campaign and information regarding federal laws that protect your rights to organize your workplace..
SIGNING CARDS– We must prove to the Federal Government that there is substantial interest among the employees to have an election. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) requires that at least 30% of the employees sign “authorization cards” before they will conduct an election. It is the policy of Local Union 919, however, to wait until at least 50% of the employees have signed.
PLEASE NOTE: | – Signing a card does not make you a member! – Signing a card does not mean you pay dues! – THESE CARDS ARE NOT SEEN BY YOUR EMPLOYER! |
FILE PETITION– When a majority of employees have signed cards, we will file a petition with the NLRB, requesting that a SECRET BALLOT ELECTION be held in your workplace. When we file the petition, we will specify which groups we feel should be included in the vote, and which groups of employees should be excluded.
NLRB HEARING– If your Employer doesn’t agree with the “unit” we’ve requested, he may ask that the NLRB conduct a hearing and determine which employees would be allowed to vote in the election.
ELECTION– An agent from the NLRB will conduct a secret ballot election in your workplace. Management is not allowed near the voting area, and you do not put your name on the ballot. When the election is over, the Board Agent will count the ballots, and if the Union has received a majority of the votes, YOUR EMPLOYER WILL BE REQUIRED BY LAW TO BARGAIN A CONTRACT IN GOOD FAITH.
QUESTIONNAIRES- Each employee will have the opportunity to contribute ideas for the contract. YOU will decide which issues should be addressed (wages, health care benefits, scheduling, etc.)
VOTE ON CONTRACT– When the contract has been negotiated, YOU will vote whether to accept it or not. Only after YOU have voted to accept a contract do you begin to pay union dues.
Contact Organizing Office at 800-842-2215.